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What Does Intuition Look Like?

I know for me the concept of "intuition" was always the hardest part of navigating thru spiritual moments. I can remember sitting with mentors and listening to them say "when its from Spirit you just know and you have to trust that." 

What?? What in the world did that even mean was my general thought for at least a good year or so. 

At one point I looked at a mentor and said "I'm just not seeing visions the right way-- I am not sure if what I am seeing is in the correct way." I look back at that statement and giggle now; but at the time it was valid. Nothing seemed to make sense and the moments things did make sense I was unable to find the words to talk about them. I had no idea what to make of the flashes, feelings, and knowledge that seem to just be there. I questioned everything-- down to my sanity. Yet all the while I was begging Spirit to "allow me to see." Looking back I know Spirit granted my request and the only hold up was me not being able to see what intuition actually looked like. Let me see if I can ease you into this....

Happiness looks like smiles and smells like warm cookies baking in the oven. Excitement looks like kids running around the park after a rainy day and feels like standing in line for a roller coaster. Fear can be a little tricky because it can look like a dog backed into a corner ready to bite or it can feel like being in a dark room all alone. Sometimes we cover fear in anger and that just gets complicated and looks like red hot bonfires. Searching looks like walking the aisles of an unfamiliar grocery store looking for a certain kind of salad dressing. Longing looks like a child standing outside a candy shop staring in the window. But intuition --- well that's even trickier than fear sometimes. (I firmly believe this is because we are so quick to be taught to dismiss our gut feelings).

Intuition can look like a desire to take another route home and finding out that there was a traffic jam on your normal route. Intuition can feel like a need to call someone and when you do they tell you how much they needed it. Intuition can look like a chance encounter with someone who has a hobby that you have been wanting to get into. Intuition feels like wanting to say hey to someone we barely know and when we do realizing how deep that friendship can go. Intuition can feel like meeting someone and knowing they are sad despite the smiles on their face. There may be times when intuition tells you things you wish were not valid. My experience has been that if you honor what intuition is telling you and have a conversation with them about the information being given-- you learn a thing or two. Sounds simple enough right? Then why is it so hard for us as a whole to see these moments and trust in the intuition from Spirit? I think each of us have a list of our own reasons why this is hard. Maybe someone told us at a young age we had no clue. Maybe we have a history of "messing up" so we no longer listen to our higher self and Guides. Maybe we have never thought about it. Maybe we are scared that we will be wrong. The lists can go on and on.

You see intuition seems like a second rate citizen in our realm of emotions at times. Anger is loud, happiness is contagious, and searching is like a nagging grandma. But poor quiet intuition -- well its shy and gets buried under all the others over time. It never goes away -- we just forget what that voice sounds like. It sits and waits for us -- hoping to be remembered and honored. Knowing the whole time how much help it can provide us and never really understanding why it doesn't have a seat at the dinner table. So when that longing turns into searching and our soul pulls us to a place where we have a need to discover places of our soul that only intuition has a map to--- well that's when we start to seek intuition out. The trouble is we often have forgotten what intuition looks like. (That's where the simple turns tricky). But the cool thing with intuition is it is so forgiving and wants to build that relationship with us. As we learn to listen to intuition and pick up the phone to call -- intuition learns to speak louder. As we learn to ask intuition which direction to take -- intuition learns it has a place at our table and the help comes pouring in.

I believe within us all is a great intuition... waiting for us to remember what their voice sounds like. For you it may come in the form of feelings, knowing, weird little movies playing in your head, or something completely different. Start slow... ask for what aisle that salad dressing is on-- and go to the first one that comes to mind. Pick up the phone and say hello when someone is on your mind. Turn left when you "just know you should." You never know how many traffic jams you might miss if you give it a chance.

Article written by Advisor Tavin

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