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Mediums Miss Their Loved One's Too!

I've been a Medium almost my entire life. I didn't understand it much when I was younger and most of the time, was fearful of the spirits that would visit me. As I grew older though, I learned more about my gifts and how to use them towards helping others to reconnect with loved ones that they have lost to death and receive messages of love and comfort from them. It truly is an honor and privilege to be a part of that process for people. I wouldn't change it for the world.

In January of 2016, my mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. It came as a shock to our entire family as she had been finally cleared of the cancer and was looking forward to a long-awaited kidney transplant that would finally put her heath issues in check. Unfortunately, during a routine check-up with her doctor, it was discovered that the cancer had returned. A couple of months later, she lost that battle and we were faced with the unfathomable task of coming to terms of a life without her in it. I tell you this story, not so that you will feel bad for me and my family, but instead to set the stage for you. So that you may better understand the gift of Mediumship, how it works and how it doesn't.

Picture of my Mom - Nancy

When my Mother died, some of the comments that would accompany condolences sent my way, were almost too much for me to process. I would hear things like "I'm sorry for your loss, but at least you can still talk to her as often as you'd like" or "Your family must be devastated. I'm sure you are ok though, since it must not feel like she's gone to you." These weren't the exact words used, but just examples to give you an idea of the mindset towards me.  And then there were those who didn't say much of anything, but instead acted as if nothing had happened to me at all. As if the loss never occurred.

It was a tough time for me and I didn't really have many people to turn to as I mourned the loss of my mother… my best friend. I got through it though….as many might have assumed to begin with. How could I not have – I mean, seriously, I get how it works right?

The thing is – being a Medium does not mean that you are granted an all access pass to the other side. In fact, the "other-side" is who really controls what comes through for who. If you've ever been to a Medium before, you know what I mean. You may have gone with the notion in your mind that if brother Billy is really coming through to me – he will say this (yet he didn't) Or even go so far as to ask the medium to give you a clear and definite sign that the person they are talking to is really their loved one (and they couldn't). My all-time favorite is the person who asks…" what does <my deceased loved one> have to say about it? (and they say nothing).

Mediumship doesn't always work that way though. It is far more delicate and complex. I wish it were as easy as dialing up a phone number and instantly connecting to the other side!

When messages from deceased loved one's come to me, it is imperative that the person I am reading for gives some sort of confirmation or acknowledgement that the person I am connected to is in fact their loved one. This is not an attempt on my part to fish for information, but instead a simple way to strengthen the connection with the energy of the deceased person that I am communicating with.

For example; When a spirit first comes forward, they will show me (or tell me) something personal between them and a loved one. Perhaps a phrase that they used often, a pastime that they enjoyed, or a memory that is special to them. When the person I am reading for confirms with a "YES – my mother used to say that all the time!" or "That is correct, she was a short woman with fiery red hair", the spirit moves closer to me and from there, messages come flooding in. This process is extremely difficult for me to achieve when it comes to connecting with my own loved ones. Mainly because I am left with needing to confirm my own visions (or internal messages) with myself. When my own loved one's attempt to connect, I may receive similar images and yes, they are spot on…BUT the question I will ask myself is, "is this really them…or my imagination?" without an outside confirmation, the internal connection is oftentimes lost.

Are there Mediums out there who can successfully connect and communicate with their own deceased loved ones? I'm sure there are! But I'm also sure that they would still appreciate a good session with another Medium, so that they can receive messages that are free of their own inner dialog!

The point of my post is simple. We (Mediums) grieve that same way that you do. We miss our loved ones that have died as much as you do and we long to talk to, hug and communicate with them just the same. When we lose someone we love, it may be more difficult for us to find the comfort from others that is such an integral part of the grieving process, simply because of the stereotypes that surround the nature of our gifts.

If you come across a Medium (or anyone for that matter) who has recently lost someone they love to death, I encourage you to give them a hug and simply tell them that you are sorry for their loss and will be there for them if they need you.

The love and comfort of our friends and family during difficult times, is sometimes all it takes to lead us back to being active participants in life!


Article written by: Top Advisor Michelle

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