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Shamanic Totem. The Bear


Within the ancient teachings of Inter-Tribal Shamanism, the bear totem has diverse symbolism. When bear enters your spiritual-self expect to find yourself making many transformational awakenings. A deeper understanding of duality comes from bear as we not only become stronger spiritually but also gentler. 

When we study a bear in the wild we see it nurture cubs as well as gather food. We see play in the water as well as bear utilizes its food source. We see bear lay lazily in the sun and run through the wilds focused on its destination. We see bear stand on its back legs and move as effortlessly as when it is on fours. We begin to see through these small examples that bear is as complex as we are as people. 

When bear makes its spiritual presence known as a Totem it may be sudden just as much as subtle. Bear as a Totem will give you what you need spiritually and before long you will notice you want to challenge yourself to grow. The hunger to be more connected to all things comes from that bear call to challenge yourself to grow. That call has always been a part of your true self, the time is right to prepare for your season of change. Just like bear prepares for winter, so to spiritually you will be preparing. 

The Elders say you will sleep before you awake.
What does that mean? 

Often it is when we are feeling the most disconnected that we are on the cusp of a new awakening. You may find bears gentile energy to come to you due to your need to embrace the deeper healer within. The bear totem is a Sacred Totem for Shamanic Healers, for the bear shares her Medicine with the Healer. Holistically as well as Spiritually the Totem Medicine is shared with us and the spirit energy of bear. The relationship is a growth process and in many ways one may find they spiritually grow from cub to bear. While there are many ways the Bear Totem Medicine may manifest in your life, I will list a small list of bear medicine transforming your journey.

• Strength and confidence
• Standing against adversity, taking action and leadership
• Healing or using healing abilities to help self or others
• Solitude, quiet time and rest
• Strong grounding forces

Before seeking to connect to any Totem, I often tell my students to take the time to look within themselves and listen to their true voice. Liking a particular animal may not always indicate it is a Totem, it is more likely there is a teaching that can help you in your journey waiting for you to learn from it. May you find your own personal truth, growth and healing in what you seek.

Be well.
Brother Granite

Article written by Advisor Brother Granite

What Does Intuition Look Like?

I know for me the concept of "intuition" was always the hardest part of navigating thru spiritual moments. I can remember sitting with mentors and listening to them say "when its from Spirit you just know and you have to trust that." 

What?? What in the world did that even mean was my general thought for at least a good year or so. 

At one point I looked at a mentor and said "I'm just not seeing visions the right way-- I am not sure if what I am seeing is in the correct way." I look back at that statement and giggle now; but at the time it was valid. Nothing seemed to make sense and the moments things did make sense I was unable to find the words to talk about them. I had no idea what to make of the flashes, feelings, and knowledge that seem to just be there. I questioned everything-- down to my sanity. Yet all the while I was begging Spirit to "allow me to see." Looking back I know Spirit granted my request and the only hold up was me not being able to see what intuition actually looked like. Let me see if I can ease you into this....

Happiness looks like smiles and smells like warm cookies baking in the oven. Excitement looks like kids running around the park after a rainy day and feels like standing in line for a roller coaster. Fear can be a little tricky because it can look like a dog backed into a corner ready to bite or it can feel like being in a dark room all alone. Sometimes we cover fear in anger and that just gets complicated and looks like red hot bonfires. Searching looks like walking the aisles of an unfamiliar grocery store looking for a certain kind of salad dressing. Longing looks like a child standing outside a candy shop staring in the window. But intuition --- well that's even trickier than fear sometimes. (I firmly believe this is because we are so quick to be taught to dismiss our gut feelings).

Intuition can look like a desire to take another route home and finding out that there was a traffic jam on your normal route. Intuition can feel like a need to call someone and when you do they tell you how much they needed it. Intuition can look like a chance encounter with someone who has a hobby that you have been wanting to get into. Intuition feels like wanting to say hey to someone we barely know and when we do realizing how deep that friendship can go. Intuition can feel like meeting someone and knowing they are sad despite the smiles on their face. There may be times when intuition tells you things you wish were not valid. My experience has been that if you honor what intuition is telling you and have a conversation with them about the information being given-- you learn a thing or two. Sounds simple enough right? Then why is it so hard for us as a whole to see these moments and trust in the intuition from Spirit? I think each of us have a list of our own reasons why this is hard. Maybe someone told us at a young age we had no clue. Maybe we have a history of "messing up" so we no longer listen to our higher self and Guides. Maybe we have never thought about it. Maybe we are scared that we will be wrong. The lists can go on and on.

You see intuition seems like a second rate citizen in our realm of emotions at times. Anger is loud, happiness is contagious, and searching is like a nagging grandma. But poor quiet intuition -- well its shy and gets buried under all the others over time. It never goes away -- we just forget what that voice sounds like. It sits and waits for us -- hoping to be remembered and honored. Knowing the whole time how much help it can provide us and never really understanding why it doesn't have a seat at the dinner table. So when that longing turns into searching and our soul pulls us to a place where we have a need to discover places of our soul that only intuition has a map to--- well that's when we start to seek intuition out. The trouble is we often have forgotten what intuition looks like. (That's where the simple turns tricky). But the cool thing with intuition is it is so forgiving and wants to build that relationship with us. As we learn to listen to intuition and pick up the phone to call -- intuition learns to speak louder. As we learn to ask intuition which direction to take -- intuition learns it has a place at our table and the help comes pouring in.

I believe within us all is a great intuition... waiting for us to remember what their voice sounds like. For you it may come in the form of feelings, knowing, weird little movies playing in your head, or something completely different. Start slow... ask for what aisle that salad dressing is on-- and go to the first one that comes to mind. Pick up the phone and say hello when someone is on your mind. Turn left when you "just know you should." You never know how many traffic jams you might miss if you give it a chance.

Article written by Advisor Tavin

Meet Rita! - Psychic and Metaphysical Specialist

Rita Sparkes Psychic
Rate: $7.99/min.
Advisor Rita
Areas of Expertise: Psychic Readings, Metaphysical Specialist


A Professional Psychic Reader since 1983, utilizing Tarot & Life Stones (Rune) Readings based on the Kabbalah (my own design). I also do metaphysical work and can guide you in spellwork of your own creations – or can make spell kits personalized just for you. 

 I have been featured on TV, Newspapers, & Radio, having had my own live show on a local radio station. I conduct my readings with an open and sincere heart sharing my intuitive talents, insight and compassion with you. My readings offer guidance and inspiration concerning life path challenges, relationships, family, work, finances, past present, future, as well as spirit messages. 

When you sit with me for a reading, my hope for you is that you receive the messages that you are meant to hear to help you in your life. I also hope that you are able to speak to a loved one who has crossed over and take with you the love and joy that will leave you with peace in your heart. My goal is to help my clients to see the big picture, helping you with confusing issues and discussing how to build on your strengths. I want to empower people by offering them healing thru psychic guidance so that they can make better decisions for themselves and start leading happier lives.


Monday - Friday 9:30am to 12:30pm / Sunday 7:00pm to 10:00pm

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Mediums Miss Their Loved One's Too!

I've been a Medium almost my entire life. I didn't understand it much when I was younger and most of the time, was fearful of the spirits that would visit me. As I grew older though, I learned more about my gifts and how to use them towards helping others to reconnect with loved ones that they have lost to death and receive messages of love and comfort from them. It truly is an honor and privilege to be a part of that process for people. I wouldn't change it for the world.

In January of 2016, my mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. It came as a shock to our entire family as she had been finally cleared of the cancer and was looking forward to a long-awaited kidney transplant that would finally put her heath issues in check. Unfortunately, during a routine check-up with her doctor, it was discovered that the cancer had returned. A couple of months later, she lost that battle and we were faced with the unfathomable task of coming to terms of a life without her in it. I tell you this story, not so that you will feel bad for me and my family, but instead to set the stage for you. So that you may better understand the gift of Mediumship, how it works and how it doesn't.

Picture of my Mom - Nancy

When my Mother died, some of the comments that would accompany condolences sent my way, were almost too much for me to process. I would hear things like "I'm sorry for your loss, but at least you can still talk to her as often as you'd like" or "Your family must be devastated. I'm sure you are ok though, since it must not feel like she's gone to you." These weren't the exact words used, but just examples to give you an idea of the mindset towards me.  And then there were those who didn't say much of anything, but instead acted as if nothing had happened to me at all. As if the loss never occurred.

It was a tough time for me and I didn't really have many people to turn to as I mourned the loss of my mother… my best friend. I got through it though….as many might have assumed to begin with. How could I not have – I mean, seriously, I get how it works right?

The thing is – being a Medium does not mean that you are granted an all access pass to the other side. In fact, the "other-side" is who really controls what comes through for who. If you've ever been to a Medium before, you know what I mean. You may have gone with the notion in your mind that if brother Billy is really coming through to me – he will say this (yet he didn't) Or even go so far as to ask the medium to give you a clear and definite sign that the person they are talking to is really their loved one (and they couldn't). My all-time favorite is the person who asks…" what does <my deceased loved one> have to say about it? (and they say nothing).

Mediumship doesn't always work that way though. It is far more delicate and complex. I wish it were as easy as dialing up a phone number and instantly connecting to the other side!

When messages from deceased loved one's come to me, it is imperative that the person I am reading for gives some sort of confirmation or acknowledgement that the person I am connected to is in fact their loved one. This is not an attempt on my part to fish for information, but instead a simple way to strengthen the connection with the energy of the deceased person that I am communicating with.

For example; When a spirit first comes forward, they will show me (or tell me) something personal between them and a loved one. Perhaps a phrase that they used often, a pastime that they enjoyed, or a memory that is special to them. When the person I am reading for confirms with a "YES – my mother used to say that all the time!" or "That is correct, she was a short woman with fiery red hair", the spirit moves closer to me and from there, messages come flooding in. This process is extremely difficult for me to achieve when it comes to connecting with my own loved ones. Mainly because I am left with needing to confirm my own visions (or internal messages) with myself. When my own loved one's attempt to connect, I may receive similar images and yes, they are spot on…BUT the question I will ask myself is, "is this really them…or my imagination?" without an outside confirmation, the internal connection is oftentimes lost.

Are there Mediums out there who can successfully connect and communicate with their own deceased loved ones? I'm sure there are! But I'm also sure that they would still appreciate a good session with another Medium, so that they can receive messages that are free of their own inner dialog!

The point of my post is simple. We (Mediums) grieve that same way that you do. We miss our loved ones that have died as much as you do and we long to talk to, hug and communicate with them just the same. When we lose someone we love, it may be more difficult for us to find the comfort from others that is such an integral part of the grieving process, simply because of the stereotypes that surround the nature of our gifts.

If you come across a Medium (or anyone for that matter) who has recently lost someone they love to death, I encourage you to give them a hug and simply tell them that you are sorry for their loss and will be there for them if they need you.

The love and comfort of our friends and family during difficult times, is sometimes all it takes to lead us back to being active participants in life!


Article written by: Top Advisor Michelle

Meet Tavin Psychic Medium/Tarot Readings

Tavin Whisler Psychic Medium
Rate: $1.99 $1.00/min.
*for a limited time!
Website: The Lotus Pond Blog
Areas of Expertise: Tarot Readings, Guide Connections, Mediumship, Horary Readings


Tavin is an emphatic medium who uses a variety of tools to help others connect with their guides and open to their own intuitive abilities. Years of facilitating circles in many forms has given her a love of holding space for others so that they may find and ignite the healing powers within. Tavin uses the connection with your own guides along with the tarot to help bring out a place where the magical and the everyday can dance and play together.


Monday & Thursday 1:00pm to 3:00pm / Sunday 7:00pm to 9:00pm (EST)

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Herbal Recommendations & Tips - Calendula

Healing with Calendula
Calendula is one of my very favorite herbs. The cheerful orange and yellow blossoms look gorgeous in the garden and have healthful and soothing properties.

Planetary Association: Sun
Element: Fire
Correspondences: prophetic dreams, protection, respect, legal matters

Uses: Hang a calendula wreath, bouquet or garland over entry doors to prevent evil from entering. Scatter petals under the bed for prophetic dreams and for protection while sleeping. Carry calendula petals into court for favorable legal proceedings.

Take a bath in calendula infused water to receive an extra dose of respect and admiration. Being a herb of the sun, Calendula can be used to remove negative energy.

An oil can be used to consecrate tools, and the petals can be used as part of an incense for divination.

The plant has a long association with Samhain, and the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations, and can be used at remembrance ceremonies as well as funerals and rites for the deceased, as well as for magic to remember deceased loved ones, in particular partners. Apparently walking barefoot through marigold flowers grants an understanding of the knowledge of bird to girls.

Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold or garden marigold, has been used for centuries for wounds and skin irritations. Calendula has healthful properties that make it useful for minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, burns, bee stings, rashes, and other minor irritations and infections of the skin. This versatile botanical can be incorporated into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, ointments, massage oils, baths, facial steams, tinctures, and teas. It is also gentle enough to use for babies, children, or animals. Internally, gargling with Calendula infused water may ease sensitive areas on the throat, mouth, and more.

Not only is Calendula a soothing traditional herb, but it is also a lovely and useful plant in the garden! Calendula repels many common garden pests including aphids, eelworms, asparagus beetles, and tomato hornworms, and is a companion plant for potatoes, beans, and lettuce. Plus, it grows quickly and is easy to cultivate from seed. The fresh vibrant petals can be used to color butter, cheese, custards, sauces, or sprinkled atop salads, cakes, and sandwiches.

Calendula Herbal Oil
This medicinal oil is simple to prepare and has so many uses. The gentle, soothing, and healing oil is perfect used alone, or incorporated into salves, massage oils, lip balms, ointments, creams, and lotions.
How to make Infused Oil:
  1. Place Calendula flowers in a clean, dry glass jar. If using fresh Calendula, wilt for 12 hours to remove most of the moisture (too much moisture will cause the oil to go rancid) before adding to the jar. Pour olive oil into the jar, making sure to cover the flowers by at least 1” of oil so they will have space to expand. Stir well and cap the jar tightly. 
  2. Place the jar in a warm, sunny windowsill and shake once or more per day. 
  3. After 4-6 weeks, strain the herbs out using cheesecloth. Pour the infused oil into glass bottles and store in a cool dark place. 

Heat Method: I prefer to infuse oils utilizing the solar or folk method described above, but heat can be applied if you need the oil quickly. To prepare, follow step 1 from above, but place the Olive oil and Calendula flowers in an uncovered container. Warm over low heat at approximately 100 degrees F for at least 3-5 hours, the longer the better. A yogurt maker, double boiler, crock pot, or inside the oven with a pilot light on are all effective ways to heat the oil, just make sure to check the temperature occasionally to ensure that the oil isn’t getting too warm. Once the oil has infused, strain out the herbs using cheesecloth and package the infused oil into glass bottles.

A soothing and skin softening salve. Rub into sore muscles, apply to minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, rashes, chapped lips, chafed skin, bruises, and other minor skin irritations.
  • 4 oz Calendula flower infused herbal oil (from above recipe or buy here)
  • 1⁄2 oz Beeswax
  • 20 drops organic Lavender essential oil (optional)

Coarsely chop the beeswax or use beeswax pastilles. Melt beeswax and Calendula oil over a double boiler. Once melted, remove from burner and stir in the Lavender essential oil. Pour into tins or glass jars. Allow to cool thoroughly before using or placing caps on the jars.

This nourishing lip balm is made from healthful ingredients which soothe dry lips.
  • 1 Tablespoon Shea Butter 
  • 3 Tablespoons Calendula Herb Oil (from above recipe) 
  • 1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon Beeswax 
  • 10-15 drops essential oil of choice 
  • A few drops of Vitamin E Oil

Coarsely chop the beeswax or use beeswax pastilles. Place beeswax, butter, and oil in a small pot or glass Pyrex measuring cup and gently heat in the top of a double boiler until the beeswax and butters have melted. Once melted, remove from the stovetop and stir in the essential oil and Vitamin E Oil. Immediately pour the mixture into lip balm tubes or small containers. This recipe will make approximately 1.5 oz of lip balm, enough to fill 10 lip balm tubes, 6 of your 1/4 oz plastic jars, or 3 1/2 oz tins or plastic jars.

A healing spray that can be misted on minor skin irritations, rashes, cuts and scrapes, or used as a traditional and soothing facial toner.

4 oz organic Calendula Flower Water (Hydrosol) 15 drops organic Lavender essential oil 10 drops Calendula Herbal Extract/Tincture (optional)

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a 4 oz bottle with a mister top. Use as often as desired!

A soothing and traditional remedy that’s effective and simple to prepare. Calendula compresses can be applied to areas that would benefit from an extended application of warm or cold calendula preparations.

Pour 1 cup boiling water over fresh or dried Calendula flowers, cover, and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Once cooled, strain out flowers and reserve the remaining liquid. Create a compress by soaking a clean cloth in the herbal infusion and placing it on the skin. This process is gentle and may be repeated several times a day.


Article written by: Top-Advisor Robin