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How Gemstones Can Help Us Heal

How in the world can a rock help us to heal? The idea of a stone healing a human being must seem ridiculous to anyone who has yet to experience it. There was a time when I was also skeptical. I would laugh if you even suggested that rocks, minerals or metals could do anything but just sit there. It could maybe look pretty. But I have been a gem therapist (for myself, mostly) since the eighties.

I have a pile of raw gemstones: aragonite, quartz, amethyst, and copper—to name a few. I can absolutely understand how it would seem absurd that these stones actually do anything outside of appeal to the eye. A skeptic would likely chalk all this "healing business" up to imagination which is a good thing too, so if it works, go for it!

It is true that gemstones can heal us. Anything and everything is a potential healer. Being open to it is the key. Gemstones radiate pure patterns with unmatched consistency. Gemstones sing with songs of structure, balance, and frequency and can bring us back into harmony. Nature repeats itself over and over. Once it finds a pattern that works, it builds on it.

Each stone resonates with a slightly different pattern geometrically. These same geometric patterns reside in our systems, organs, etc. To hold a Rose Quartz up to our heart is to ask the structural patterns active in our subtle bodies to align themselves and operate effortlessly and with purity. Any unresolved heart issues will be challenged to break up, allowing us to let go of whatever is distorting our energies. Gemstones are living creatures. They are active participants in nature.

Healing is often a matter of recovering our bodies inherent harmony by letting go of what we are holding onto— our own ideas about how, where, when, what and why—mental frameworks that have us behaving in inorganic ways. Our organic ways are right there to be expressed and experienced effortlessly. Mother Nature takes care of it all, if we can only learn to respect her and surrender to her wisdom—the wisdom of spontaneity, joy, accepting all others as equal, and together sharing in her abundance.

Article written by: Advisor Rita

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