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Meet Advisor Christine - Psychic Readings/Meditation/Relationship Expert

Christine Campbell Psychic
Rate: $7.99/min.
Advisor Christine
Areas of Expertise: Meditation Teacher, Psychic Readings, Relationships


Welcome, my name is Christine Campbell. I am honored to bring messages from your spirit guides and beyond the veil. I choose to express my gifts through the psychic realm, bringing insight and angel messages of love and light, with the intention of inspiring you to connect to your own guides. I’ve been considered a psychic, healer, medium, meditation teacher, and life/relationship coach. 

I am a 4th generational intuit. I began the practice of meditation at the age of 15. I sought out teachers who taught me how to reach deeper levels of meditation, which opens a doorway to connecting to the other-side. I learned the art of stillness, alpha, beta, theta, delta brain waves, meditation on the 72 Names of God, and how to achieve silence of the mind. I studied under the guidance of psychic medium Alan Arcieri, and many other intuits along the way. Through years of training and self-empowering work, I’ve learned techniques used to create rhythmic breathing, stilling the ego mind (which will balance and focus you mentally), and mantras. This practice will increase your spiritual awareness, provide insights into your life, and promote a more balanced way of perceiving and responding to the world. 

I teach children and advanced adult meditation, psychic/mediumship development, self-healing, chakra clearing, psychic chord-cutting, clearing earth-bound spirits and theta energy healing. Meditation is the gateway into the “NOW”, and connecting to your spirit guides and angels. 

I also believe that meaningful relationships are the access to fulfillment and begin with understanding one's self. How can you have a quality relationship if you haven’t developed that within yourself first? Studying under internationally recognized leaders in relationship training, I have been a relationship success coach for several years. I have a deep lifetime commitment to supporting singles in their search for a fulfilling, lifelong partnership and couples in strengthening the bond they already have or want to have again. At a very young age, I became very clear about the desire to love and support others on their journey of finding their highest love. The purpose of my life is to honor my heart, recognizing the world of beauty and the magnificence in it all, compassionately guiding others to their greatness. I work with clients one on one on the phone and in person. Specializing in 360 degree listening, or global listening, I listen not only to what a client says, I also listen to the spaces between the words, the unsaid. It’s a place of openness and curiosity, with no judgement. This is where many opportunities for transformations occur. Let’s discover how you can truly master your own destiny through this work! SCHEDULE


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How Gemstones Can Help Us Heal

How in the world can a rock help us to heal? The idea of a stone healing a human being must seem ridiculous to anyone who has yet to experience it. There was a time when I was also skeptical. I would laugh if you even suggested that rocks, minerals or metals could do anything but just sit there. It could maybe look pretty. But I have been a gem therapist (for myself, mostly) since the eighties.

I have a pile of raw gemstones: aragonite, quartz, amethyst, and copper—to name a few. I can absolutely understand how it would seem absurd that these stones actually do anything outside of appeal to the eye. A skeptic would likely chalk all this "healing business" up to imagination which is a good thing too, so if it works, go for it!

It is true that gemstones can heal us. Anything and everything is a potential healer. Being open to it is the key. Gemstones radiate pure patterns with unmatched consistency. Gemstones sing with songs of structure, balance, and frequency and can bring us back into harmony. Nature repeats itself over and over. Once it finds a pattern that works, it builds on it.

Each stone resonates with a slightly different pattern geometrically. These same geometric patterns reside in our systems, organs, etc. To hold a Rose Quartz up to our heart is to ask the structural patterns active in our subtle bodies to align themselves and operate effortlessly and with purity. Any unresolved heart issues will be challenged to break up, allowing us to let go of whatever is distorting our energies. Gemstones are living creatures. They are active participants in nature.

Healing is often a matter of recovering our bodies inherent harmony by letting go of what we are holding onto— our own ideas about how, where, when, what and why—mental frameworks that have us behaving in inorganic ways. Our organic ways are right there to be expressed and experienced effortlessly. Mother Nature takes care of it all, if we can only learn to respect her and surrender to her wisdom—the wisdom of spontaneity, joy, accepting all others as equal, and together sharing in her abundance.

Article written by: Advisor Rita

Meet Jean! Energy Worker & Channel of the Divine Realm

Jean Salch Energy Work
Rate: $7.99 $1.00/min.
Advisor Jean
Website: jeanofdivinehealing.com
Areas of Expertise: Energy Work, Blessed Water, Guided Messages from the Divine

(*for a limited time!)


International healer and channel of the Divine Realm. I have been receiving guided messages from the Divine since my early childhood days. 

As a vessel, we have helped facilitate wellness through energy work and divine water for people to drink. As a vessel, the divine flows through me and then to you. Causing deep cellular generational gene frequency release. Neuron re-wiring is sometimes included. Although I personally do not guarantee miraculous results, many people have reported what they claim to be instant miracles. 

 Any topic, or health issue can be focused on. There is no limit for what you request regarding your session. The energy you will receive will leave you feeling energized, light and balanced. 


Wednesdays & Thursdays 4:00pm to 10:00pm

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Star anise is used mainly as a spice but it is also known to have numerous important health benefits. It is a star shaped fruit belonging to a plant native to China called illicium verum.

Star anise is not related to the European anise plants but it has a similar anise or licorice like flavor. It can be used in cooking as a spice or used in a tea.

Star anise contains plenty of important minerals and vitamins including Vitamins A and C as well as small amounts of B vitamins. It also contains calcium and phosphorus but in terms of its medicinal value, perhaps its most important compound is shikimic acid.

Shikimic acid is used as an ingredient in Tamiflu-the influenza medication which has also been used in the battle against swine flu.


It is essential that we get as many natural antioxidants into our bodies as possible and star anise is an excellent source of antioxidants thanks to the presence of linalool and Vitamin C. The reason that we need antioxidants is that they help protect us from cellular damage which is caused by exposure to free radicals and environmental toxins.

These free radicals can cause premature aging, as well as putting you in more danger of serious disease like heart disease or cancer.

One of star anise's most impressive benefits is its ability to deal with fungal infections and common yeast infections such as candida albicans. Candida is a naturally occurring fungus which is found in the throat, mouth, intestines and genitals.

This yeast usually causes no problems but unfortunately the balance of microbes can become disturbed when your immune system is weakened for some reason. When this occurs, a candida overgrowth occurs leading to a serious infection called candidiasis.

The potentially good news is that researchers in South Korea have demonstrated that star anise extracts and essential oils derived from the plant exhibit excellent antifungal properties in relation to Candida albicans.

Recent years have seen an increase in bacterial which exhibit increasing resistance to commonly prescribed antibiotics. This crisis has created the incentive for scientists to find new and more effective antimicrobial treatments and the search is well and truly underway.

The antibacterial abilities of many natural herbs and plants have been put under the microscope and researchers have already begun to see the antibacterial potential of star anise.

Star anise is the best natural source of Shikimic acid which is used in the anti-flu medication Tamiflu. Shikimic acid is rare in nature-it is present in sweetgum fruit and ginkgo but occurs in far greater concentrations in star anise.

When applied topically, star anise essential oil is an excellent treatment for rheumatism and back pain. Before using the essential oil it should be combined with a carrier oil and massaged into the affected areas.

Star anise is often prepared as a tea especially in South East Asian countries and China. It is mainly used to deal with a variety of digestive complaints such as gas, abdominal cramps, indigestion, bloating and constipation. To treat any digestive condition that you may be suffering from, it is considered best to drink the tea after your meals.

Star anise has traditionally been used in China to help women during pregnancy and to new mothers wanting to increase their milk production. Traditional Chinese practitioners often prescribe it for pregnant women.
It is used to bolster their immune system and stave off illness during this important time. Researchers have also found that star anise had an estrogenic effect owing to a compound called anethole which helps to modulate hormonal functions in women.

According to traditional use and anecdotal evidence, star anise may have mild sedative properties which can help your nerves to settle down and also ensure a good night's sleep. If you are having difficulty getting to sleep, try a cup of soothing star anise tea before going to bed.

Star anise tea is an excellent natural remedy to ease a cough and soothe your sore throat. Simply follow the tea instructions below and drink up to three times each day.

If you would like to start reaping the benefits of star anise there are several ways to incorporate it into your healthy diet. It can be added to your meals as a spice or made into a tea.

Star anise can be found as one of five spices used in Chinese 5 spice powder. You can make your own
delicious five spice powder by grinding your star anise and mixing it with the other 4 spices – cloves, fennel seeds, cinnamon and Sichuan pepper.

When used alone, star anise is used to sweeten and flavor soups, stews and various other dishes. Be careful not to use too much as the unmistakable flavor can become overpowering. A piece or two should be sufficient or you can use a pinch or two of powdered star anise instead.
Star anise is also regularly used as an ingredient in sweet dishes like puddings and pastries. Be adventurous and experiment a bit if you enjoy the flavor.

Star anise is often used to make a soothing and healing tea. Star anise tea is an excellent remedy for various digestive issues, coughs and sore throats. It is usually made with the seeds.

To make star anise tea follow these simple instructions:
• Boil your water and pour it into a teapot.
• Add 2 star anise seed pods for each cup of water then allow it to seep for up to 15 minutes.
• Strain the tea into a cup and add some honey to taste.
•  Drink after each meal if you are trying to deal with a digestive problem or a cough.

In Hoodoo Folk Magic, Spell-Craft, and Occultism

ANISE SEED is best known for its use as a flavoring, but in magical practice, it is said to Increase Psychic Abilities and ward off the Evil Eye . As an Apotropaic Charm, a pinch of ANISE SEED is wrapped in a white handkerchief and carried in the pocket. As an aid in the perception of Psychic Phenomena, the inducement of Spiritual Trances, and the promotion of Prophetic Visions of the Future, some folks make up a mojo bag with ANISE SEED, Althaea Leaf, Acacia, Calendula, and Star Anise and keep it beneath the pillow where they sleep. Others brew crushed ANISE SEED in water to drink as a tea before commencing spiritual practices or add it to resin incenses such as Myrrh or Dragon's Blood and burn it while making invocations.

Article Written by: Advisor Robin