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How an "Instant" Coaching Session Can Help Talk You Off the Ledge

 Mini Coaching Sessions - For Real?

The Top-Advisors call line offers not only psychic guidance and instant readings, but also spiritual coaching services.

When we think about Spiritual Coaching, we are programmed to believe that in order for the coaching to be effective, we need to plan on setting aside a set amount of time per week for a predetermined number of weeks based on our personal needs or goal. 

And although it's true that many spiritual coaches will recommend a personal coaching plan dedicated to teaching and assisting you towards a specific long term goal, many miss the mark when it comes to addressing those times when all we need is a quick pick me up, or a platform to vent and sort out a tricky situation - when it occurs and not days later.

Instant Spiritual Coaching Sessions offer clients an opportunity to receive spiritual coaching right when they may need it the most, in that moment. From there, who knows - you may want to put together a plan towards change by working directly with your spiritual coach after the initial call, or may later only use an instant session for emergency coaching or for a needed pick me up's along the path.

Common situations when an Instant Spiritual Coaching Session can help:

    • When your having a rough day - A 5-10 minute spiritual coaching session can act as a catalyst towards getting back on track quickly.
    • When you are struggling with a tough decision - and you need to make that decision quickly, a few minutes talking with a coach can help guide you to make the decision that's best for you.
    • Unexpected Delays - When you are faced with an unexpected roadblock to your well laid out plan, A quick coaching session can help get you back on track.
    • Needing someone to bounce ideas off - Sometimes 5 minutes is all it takes to explore a new idea or direction towards growth. Who better than a spiritual coach that can lend an unbiased ear when you need it?
Working with a Spiritual Coach is not only a great way to approach personal life goals, but can also be helpful for those wanting to explore the depths of the soul and uncover the true reason for being!

Have you worked with a Spiritual Coach in the past, or are you currently working with one? We'd love to hear all about it! Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments area!

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