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Welcome to Top Advisors!

Meet Judi - Psychic Readings

Judi Walters Psychic Medium
Rate: $1.99 $1.00/min.
*for a limited time
Areas of Expertise: Mediumship, Psychic Readings


(coming soon)


(coming soon)


Online Launch Party - June 4th from 6-7pm EST! Free readings, energy work, spiritual advice & door prizes!


JUNE 4th 2017 FROM 6 TO 7pm EST!


WHERE: The event will be hosted live on our facebook page! (like and follow us for updates @TopSpiritualAdvisors)

WHEN: The launch party starts at 6:00pm EST SHARP!

WHY YOU NEED TO BE THERE: We'd like to introduce ourselves to you, so that you can get to know us better and find out what we are all about! Plus, we'll be giving away prizes, providing free readings, energy healing and spiritual guidance!


We are a select group of TOP Spiritual Advisors, who's offerings range from Gifted Psychics, Mediums, Shamans, Metaphysical Experts, Energy Workers & Spiritual Coaches (and everything in-between!). We are REAL people with REAL names! We're not afraid to let you know who we are and how to reach us outside of the call lines! Our Top-Advisors website is a way for you to reach these Top Spiritual Advisors, instantly by phone - when you need it most.



We will be giving FREE chat readings & Energy sessions throughout the launch party. If you would like a reading or healing from one of our Advisors during the party, follow these steps:

  1. Like and Follow us on facebook @TopSpiritualAdvisors
  2. Check off that you are GOING to our event (you can click here to find the event)
  3. Come to the live event page on June 4th at 6pm! As an advisors becomes available for readings or healings, they will post an update and you can enter your questions/healing requests in that area - *NOTE: readings are first come first served during the event!


Our giveaway list is growing by the day! It looks like we may be giving away a prize every few minutes at this rate! WHAT we will be giving away during the party....well, we're saving that info, so that we can have the element of surprise! We CAN tell you that the prize list will include; free phone services, tangible spiritual gifts and digital delights! If you'd like a chance to win one (or many) of our door prizes, follow theses steps:
  1. Like and Follow us on facebook @TopSpiritualAdvisors
  2. Once on the page, click the BLUE SIGN-UP button. follow the steps to set up your FREE account with us.
  3. Check off that you are GOING to our event (you can click here to find the event)
  4. GO to the post inside the event that says "HOW TO WIN EVENT PRIZES" and write SIGNED-UP! in the comments area.
  5. Come to the live event page on June 4th at 6pm! We will be announcing prizes and winners randomly throughout the event. ****You must be present to win!!!
Want to learn more about us? check out our ABOUT US page!

Advisor Robin's Herbal Recommendations & Tips - Mistletoe

Mistletoe Herb

The mistletoe is a very strange plant, that you can see only in wintertime, when the trees, where the mistletoe's grow, lost their leaves. 

It grows in the form of balls on different kinds of trees where it sucks water and minerals, which makes it a partial parasite. 

In former times the mistletoe was a very important magical plant, that was collected by the druids with golden sickles. The mistletoe was not allowed to fall on the ground because this would stop their special abilities. According to lore, Druids held mistletoe in high esteem and collected it only when they received a vision ordering them to do so, and then with great ceremony. 

Since the seeds are spread through bird droppings, our observant fore-bearers named Mistletoe “dung-on-twig”, (the word literally translated is a conjugation of “birdlime” or “bird dung” and twig) mistakenly believing that the plant actually sprang from the dung itself. 

Other beliefs held the Mistletoe grew where a tree was struck by lightening. Because of the magical importance the mistletoe was believed to be a remedy for all medical problems. 

In the time of the Winter Solstice and as Christmas decoration twigs of the mistletoe are put at the doors of houses to prevent the house from harm. Who ever kisses under a mistletoe will become a happy couple. 

In modern herbal medicine the mistletoe is used against high blood pressure and against cancer. But it has many more uses.

Medicinal Uses

  • Calming 
  • Stops bleeding 
  • Inflammation-inhibitory 
  • Diuretic 
  • Spasm-dis-solvent 
  • Strengthening 
  • High blood-pressure 
  • Heart weakness 
  • Fast heartbeat 
  • Arteriosclerosis 
  • Edemas 
  • Fever 
  • Digestive weakness 
  • Constipation 
  • Stomach weakness 
  • Pancreatic weakness 
  • Diabetes 
  • Gall weakness
  • Nervous weakness 
  • Headaches 
  • Giddiness 
  • Joint inflammation 
  • Chronic joint problems 
  • Arthrosis 
  • Rheumatism 
  • Menopause complaints 
  • Menstrual complaints 
  • Uterine pain 
  • Uterine bleeding 
  • Uterine tumors 
  • Discharge 
  • Epilepsy 
  • Hay fever 
  • Varicose veins 
  • Eczemas 
  • Ulcers 
  • Wounds 
  • Cancer (beside medical therapy)


Used Parts: Leaves, branches Substances: Viscotoxin, Viscin, Viscalbin, Asparagine, Bitter essence, Histamine, OleanolicAcid, Saponins

Time to collect: Late Autumn, Winter and Spring


The main use of the mistletoe is high blood pressure. It is also used against cancer beside the medical treatment of doctors. The mistletoe has also a lot of other abilities. In former times it was thought to be a remedy against every disease. The mistletoe is a little bit poisonous and should be used with care.

Internally as tea: 

A tea from the mistletoe should always be made as a cold infusion. This is important, because in cold water the poisonous substances don't resolve and therefore a cold infusion of it is not poisonous. Also the healing abilities of the mistletoe weakens in a hot tea.

The tea can be used to lower a blood pressure, that is to high. It also helps against other circulatory problems like a weak heart or arteriosclerosis. 

When someone has a low blood pressure the mistletoe can help to raise it. This sound not logical, but when we understand, that the effect of the mistletoe works by strengthen the heart and making the blood vessels more elastic, we understand, that the mistletoe can modify the blood pressure in both directions. 

The mistletoe can also strengthen the digestive system and the metabolism. Because of this effects the mistletoe also helps against rheumatic complaints. It also strengthens the nerves and can thus be a remedy against headache and dizziness. It can also help against epilepsy. 

In the menopausal time the mistletoe can help against the typical problems. It also helps against menstrual problems. With its blood stopping ability the mistletoe can stop menstrual bleeding that is too strong. Thus the mistletoe is very helpful after birth.

Externally as tea:

The cold infusion of the mistletoe can be used for bathing and poultices. It can help against varicose veins and ulcers of the lower legs. 

Also eczemas can be treated with mistletoe infusions. A mistletoe poultice can allay rheumatic and neuralgic pains. External treatments with mistletoe are also good against arthrosis. 

Against hay fever you can take a snuff of mistletoe infusion. 

Mistletoe as a treatment of cancer:

Accompanying to a chemical medical cancer treatment mistletoe extracts can be used. They are offered (i.e. in Germany) as a special preparation for this use. 

These preparations can help to allay the side effects of the chemical treatment and to raise the healing rate of the therapy. This is examined by several studies. 

Mistletoe preparations are not able to cure cancer as a standalone medication

Beware! The berries of the mistletoe are a little bit poisonous. Kids should be warned not to eat the berries.

Plant description

The family of santalaceae has a lot of members around the world. In Europe and northern Asia the mistletoe is the single member of this family. 
The mistletoe is a partial parasite that grows on trees. It sucks the juice and minerals from the tree. But it has its own green color and can do photosynthesis. 
Trees that have lots of mistletoes suffer from them and finally die from them. But mistletoes grows slowly and single plant wouldn't harm huge trees. 
Some kinds of trees have mistletoes more often than other trees. Specially apple trees, poplars and firs are the most favorite trees for mistletoes. 
The mistletoes put their root through the bark of the trees into the wood. There they anchor and suck water and minerals. 

The branches of the mistletoes ramify again and again until they have the form of a ball. 
At the tip of the small twigs there always grow two leaves that have the form of a long and narrow egg with the wide side at the outer edge. 

From the end of February the mistletoes blossom. There are plants with female flowers and other plants with male flowers. Both types of flowers are yellow and very small. The smell like an orange what makes them attractive to insects. In September the white berries start to ripen. They are like glue and inside they have a seed. 

Beware! The mistletoe is very seldom in lots of countries and may not be collected. (i.e. Germany) 

Magickal Uses: 

Mistletoe is one of the best luck and money drawing herbs there is, add it to sachets or charms to increase fortune and finances. Mistletoe is also carried or placed where protection is needed, it is hung over a cradle to prevent the theft of a child by fairies. Amulets and jewelry can be made of its wood as talismans of protection and to speed healing. It will aid in hunting and in conception. Hang it in the bedroom to bring beautiful dreams and to unlock, through the dreams, the secrets of immortality. Add a few berries to the ritual cup at a handfasting, and hang it in the home to bring the blessings of the Goddess of love. 

Mistletoe is protective against lightning, disease, misfortune and fires. It also aids in matters of the heart. The fresh juice has been said to increase fertility in barren women. Harvest Mistletoe on the sixth night after the New Moon. 

Mistletoe is an excellent all purpose magickal herb. Its wood is a good choice for wands and ritual implements. Place it around a “Hand of Glory,” a candle shaped like a hand that is burned to ward off thieves. According to Virgil, Aeneas could go down to Tartarus only when he carried a sprig of mistletoe in his hand as protection. Mistletoe is reputed to protect the bearer from werewolves. Burned it banishes evil. Wear in an amulet to repel negativity & ill will and protect against unwanted advances. Carry for luck in hunting. Use to draw in customers, money and business. Use in ritual baths or prayer bowls for healing.

HERB OF THE WEEK DISCLAIMER: DO not use any herb for medicinal purposes without first consulting your medical doctor (MD) first.


Article Written by: Top-Advisor Robin

How an "Instant" Coaching Session Can Help Talk You Off the Ledge

 Mini Coaching Sessions - For Real?

The Top-Advisors call line offers not only psychic guidance and instant readings, but also spiritual coaching services.

When we think about Spiritual Coaching, we are programmed to believe that in order for the coaching to be effective, we need to plan on setting aside a set amount of time per week for a predetermined number of weeks based on our personal needs or goal. 

And although it's true that many spiritual coaches will recommend a personal coaching plan dedicated to teaching and assisting you towards a specific long term goal, many miss the mark when it comes to addressing those times when all we need is a quick pick me up, or a platform to vent and sort out a tricky situation - when it occurs and not days later.

Instant Spiritual Coaching Sessions offer clients an opportunity to receive spiritual coaching right when they may need it the most, in that moment. From there, who knows - you may want to put together a plan towards change by working directly with your spiritual coach after the initial call, or may later only use an instant session for emergency coaching or for a needed pick me up's along the path.

Common situations when an Instant Spiritual Coaching Session can help:

    • When your having a rough day - A 5-10 minute spiritual coaching session can act as a catalyst towards getting back on track quickly.
    • When you are struggling with a tough decision - and you need to make that decision quickly, a few minutes talking with a coach can help guide you to make the decision that's best for you.
    • Unexpected Delays - When you are faced with an unexpected roadblock to your well laid out plan, A quick coaching session can help get you back on track.
    • Needing someone to bounce ideas off - Sometimes 5 minutes is all it takes to explore a new idea or direction towards growth. Who better than a spiritual coach that can lend an unbiased ear when you need it?
Working with a Spiritual Coach is not only a great way to approach personal life goals, but can also be helpful for those wanting to explore the depths of the soul and uncover the true reason for being!

Have you worked with a Spiritual Coach in the past, or are you currently working with one? We'd love to hear all about it! Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments area!

The Ultimate Psychic Reading Checklist. (& some cool tips to getting a great reading)


I hear it time and time again from new customers coming to me for a reading after getting what they perceived to be a terrible read from the psychic before me. Although it is possible that the reader wasn't all that good to begin with, I'd be willing to bet that most likely, this wasn't the case at all.

Gone are the days of "Miss Cleo" style psychic readings, where you're not even sure that the person talking to you is legit. psychics on the web nowadays, have endured many years of earning their right to be there and those who can't cut the mustard, well...let's face it, they fall to the wayside long before any chances of victimizing some poor soul out of all their hard earned money.

So, if most of the psychics nowadays are legit, how do bad readings happen? 

Believe it or not, there are quite a few reasons for getting a bad reading and most of them do not have anything to do with the psychics ability to perform. 

Here is a list of my tops:
  1. There just simply wasn't a connection: Just like real people in any business, Psychics can have "off"days, or even struggle to connect with an individual. When this happens for me, I tell the client straight away and either give them the option to reschedule with me, or if i feel the connection is just not there, I'll try and refer them to another psychic. For many of us, we want it so badly that we try and push something that's just not there. This can be the fault of the psychic or even the client in some cases.
  2. Your seeing the wrong psychic for your needs: This is a more common reason that a reading might go bad - quickly. For example; You are not going to get great intuitive advice about your business endeavors from a psychic who specializes in love/twin flame readings, or is a psychic medium. Before going to a psychic, be sure and do your homework! If a friend recommended them to you, ask for the psychics website, or link to their social pages and take the time to check them out fully! Reading the psychics reviews and blog will lend you a sneak peek at the types of reading available. If you are searching for a psychic advisor yourself, do your research and when your ready to schedule, schedule for 15 to 30 minutes to start. I assure you that it will be worth your effort!
  3. Testing the psychic: This happens more often than you'd think. People who test psychics will immediately close off their energy at the beginning of a reading, usually tell the psychic that they do not have any specific questions, will not lend any feedback or energy for the reading and will most likely tell the psychic that they just would like to know "what they see" If you are the type to "test" your psychic readers abilities, you can expect to walk away with some amazing psychic insight, however will most likely not gain any insight into the specific reason you are there. The end result = bad...bad reading that will leave you feeling like you've wasted your money.
  4. Not coming prepared: Let's face it, going to see a psychic will loads of experience and stellar reviews is going to dent your wallet a bit. So, why not go prepared so that you can get the most from your time together? All to many times, I find myself handing a client a pen and paper because they didn't think to bring a notebook, or receiving the famous "I forgot to ask when I was there" question. Being well prepared for your psychic reading, will not only save you money in the long run, it will also guarantee a great read - just about every time!
As promised, here is a checklist that you can use before, during and after any psychic reading!


  • Be sure this psychic is the right fit for my needs by checking out website, social pages, reviews. Does this psychic's area of expertise match what I am seeking guidance on?
  • Clear your emotional energy as best you can before your scheduled reading. You can make this as simple or complex as you'd like - and can be accomplished by quietly meditating at home, taking a walk outside or taking a bath before the reading, just to name a few.
  • Have a list of questions prepared beforehand. The list can be as detailed as you'd like or can be a quick list of keywords that remind you of what to ask about - The important thing is to make one and bring it with you to the reading.
  • Let the psychic know what you are seeking guidance on. You do not have to provide a bunch of details on the subject, simply give the psychic an idea of what you'd like to accomplish during the session.
  • Allow yourself to be open to receive whatever information comes through for you and write it down - Especially the information that doesn't quite jive with you or make sense at the time, as this is usually the most important. You can also help the flow of energy by refraining from crossing your arms, wrists or ankles during the reading. (yes, even a phone reading can be affected by crossing them!)
  • Don't be afraid to give the psychic confirmation that the information they are giving you is real. Practicing the simple act of saying "yes, that makes sense to me" or Yes, that's accurate", will open up the psychic channel even more for them and you will get a stronger read form it.
  • Give the outcome time to catch up to the reading. This takes patience on your part and involves you refraining from asking the same question again, or before it's had a chance to come to fruition. When you trust in the process and try not to interfere with the outcome - you'll find your readings to be spot on!
Above all, the best advice I can give towards getting a great psychic reading every time, is to keep an open mind and remember that psychics are not magical beings that know everything, they are simply people just like you who happen to have a unique skill. 

I'd live to hear about your good/bad psychic reading experiences! If you'd like to share them with me, you can post them in the comments area below!

Be Well!


Michelle brings more than 30 years’ experience helping others with psychic guidance. Her biggest reward comes from helping those who have lost loved ones and to help facilitate healing through connecting with them on a soul level.

TO learn more about Michelle CLICK HERE and check out her profile on Top-Advisors!

Meet Brother Granite!

Brother Granite
Rate: $4.49/min.
Brother Granite
Website: Brothergranite.com
Areas of Expertise: Shamanic Native Tarot, Traditional Tarot, Psychic Readings and Holistic Healings


Brother Granite is a mixed heritage Native American. Brother Granite had his awakening at the age of 15 and began his journey of spiritual training. He has had the honor of being trained by spiritual elders, holistic healers, Reiki Masters, Native American Shamans, Native American Medicine Women and Sacred Pipe Carriers.

Having actively practiced his whole life has blessed him with unique gifts. He is a natural Psychic Medium who has a personal relationship with spirit. As a Reiki Master his understanding of holistic energies blends in concert with his Shamanic skill, Brother Granite brings his medicine in action to you.


Monday and Tuesday: 7:30pm to 10:30pm


Would you like to share your experience with Brother Granite?